Internet Bookmarks
Web content I find useful or funny:
Table of Content
- Search engines and web catalogs
- Mixed stuff
- Karlsruhe and vicinity
- For computer scientists and programmers
- For writing web pages
- Role playing games
- Poetry and prose
- Music
- Witty and nonsensical
Search engines and web catalogs
How to search
Klug Suchen: The (German) search engine search engine that helps finding the right engine for your search.
Meta search engines
Meta search engines use (often several) other search engines and compile their results for you.
DuckDuckGo: Fast, anonymous, and with Bangs very flexible.
- Fast, anonymous, and in extended search very powerful.
Search engines and internet portals
Google: Now the synonym for a search engine. With search for images, videos, maps and translator.
Bing: The search engine by Microsoft. With search for images, videos, maps and translator.
Fireball: Your anonymous search engine.
scienceOS: Get scientific answers by asking millions of research papers.
Other catalogs
Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia.
TeleAuskunft: Official German phone book and yellow pages.
Mixed stuff
Spiegel Online: German daily news.
Zeit Online: German daily news.
Telepolis: A critical, discursive, and with sometimes provocative positions stimulating net magazine.
Deutsche Bahn: Train connections in Germany.
Elektronische Fahrplanauskunft Baden-Württemberg: Train connections in Baden-Württemberg, down to trams and buses.
Donnerwetter: Current weather prognosis for Germany.
LEO Dictionary: Translator German ↔ English
The Internet Acronym Server: Acronyms and abbreviations resolved.
Hoax info service: German service on computer virus hoaxes and other hoaxes and myths.
TV Info: The current (German) TV program.
TV Today: The current (German) TV program.
MediathekViewWeb: Searches media libraries of (German) public TV stations.
Anwaltsuche: Which (German) lawyer is specialized on what topics?
Karlsruhe and vicinity
Karlsruhe: Official page of Karlsruhe, Germany, including city map.
- Well-sorted local portal with events planner.
Stadtwiki Karlsruhe: Information portal for the region. Well-sorted overview on restaurants, bars etc.
- Shopping and events: Information portal for the region. Well-sorted overview on restaurants, bars etc.
Landfunker: Bruchsal online, with events planner.
- Baden-Württemberg administration online.
For computer scientists and programmers
netplanet: (German) introduction to the internet.
Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 API Specification: Java base classes (in the version for that Java offers support for desktop apps).
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v7 API Specifications: Java Enterprise classes (in the version for that Java offers support for desktop apps).
Java Tutorials
Eclipse: Erste Schritte: (German) introduction to Eclipse as Java-IDE.
Apache Ant Manual: Java- and XML based build tool.
IOCCC—The International Obfuscated C Code Contest: Celebrates the pits that this mighty language offers.
The daily WTF: Curious Perversions in Information Technology.
Jargon File: The online version of the hacker dictionary.
Atari XL/XE Games and Demos
Evolution of a Programmer: Compares complexities of different solutions to the same problem.
Waterfall 2006 Conference: April fool conference on the best known software development process.
For writing web pages
W3 Schools: HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript …— Tutorials, References, Examples.
SELFHTML: HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript …—Tutorials, References, Examples (German).
W3C XML Schema Primer: Explains how to create an XML schema.
W3C Markup Validation Service: Checks the markup (HTML, XHTML) of Web documents.
Zen Garden, The Beauty of CSS design: A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design.
Google Developers Mobile Guide: How to build mobile-friendly web sites, including a web page test.
Role playing games
- Morgengrauen ist die größte deutsche virtuelle Welt auf Textbasis.
Das Schwarze Auge bei Ulisses Spiele: The Dark Eye (version 5) official ruleset.
DSA Regel-Wiki: The Dark Eye game reference.
DSA MeisterGeister: Ein weiteres DSA Tool für Windows Rechner: Proben würfeln, Kampf, Kalender, Basar, Waffenschmiede, NSC- und Heldenverwaltung und einiges mehr.
Aventuria in Discord: A Dark Eye bot in Discord: Dice probes, cards for standard inventory, monsters and other.
Vinsalts DSA-Ticker: Ein Überbleibsel vom Aventurischen Städtebund.
Niedergoblinheim: Die kleinste Stadt im Aventurischen Städtebund, als Soloabenteuer.
Canonical List of Famous Last Words: Famous last words of RPG heroes.
Chronik einer Odyssee – oder: Die Leiden des jungen GM: Mein Bruder Nicolas hat ein paar nette Rollenspieler-Stories auf seiner Seite.
Das Beste aus einem Rollenspiel-Jahrzehnt: Da gibt's noch mehr schöne dumme Sprüche und geistige Höhenflüge.
Poetry and prose
Projekt Gutenberg-DE
Terry Pratchett: Fantastic fantasy from a great author.
- From the Academy of American Poets.
Gedankengießerei: von Nicolas Diefenbach
Science Fiction und Fantasy von Hobbyautoren
jamendo: Free, legal and unlimited music download.
Witty and nonsensical
Der Postillon: Nonsens-Nachrichten und feinste Satire.
- Aufgeschnappte Dialoge. (Inzwischen nur noch ein Archiv.)
Danis Witzseite: Highlights sind die »Auspack und Freu« Anleitung, sowie die bestern Tower-Sprüche unter »Angst vorm Fliegen?«.
Paraplüsch: Psychiatry for Abused Cuddlytoys
- Not so perfect place to learn English.
- Extracted wisdom from managing real-life projects.
System Administrator Appreciation Day
Improbable Research: A different kind of scientific publication. From the organization that awards the Ignoble Prize.
Darwin awards: A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises.