Internet Bookmarks

Web content I find useful or funny:

Table of Content

Search engines and web catalogs

How to search

  • DeutschKlug Suchen: The (German) search engine search engine that helps finding the right engine for your search.

Meta search engines

Meta search engines use (often several) other search engines and compile their results for you.

  • DeutschEnglishDuckDuckGo: Fast, anonymous, and with Bangs very flexible.
  • Fast, anonymous, and in extended search very powerful.

Search engines and internet portals

  • DeutschEnglishGoogle: Now the synonym for a search engine. With search for images, videos, maps and translator.
  • DeutschEnglishBing: The search engine by Microsoft. With search for images, videos, maps and translator.
  • DeutschEnglishFireball: Your anonymous search engine.
  • EnglishscienceOS: Get scientific answers by asking millions of research papers.

Other catalogs

Mixed stuff

Karlsruhe and vicinity

  • DeutschEnglishKarlsruhe: Official page of Karlsruhe, Germany, including city map.
  • Well-sorted local portal with events planner.
  • DeutschStadtwiki Karlsruhe: Information portal for the region. Well-sorted overview on restaurants, bars etc.
  • Shopping and events: Information portal for the region. Well-sorted overview on restaurants, bars etc.
  • DeutschLandfunker: Bruchsal online, with events planner.
  • Baden-Württemberg administration online.

For computer scientists and programmers

For writing web pages

Role playing games

Poetry and prose


  • DeutschEnglishjamendo: Free, legal and unlimited music download.

Witty and nonsensical